Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Freelance Presentation

Sahil Lavingia - example contract

Here's the most recent contract I used.

It's nice because it can include terms included in an email that I can customize per person, instead of editing the contract (and then forgetting to change certain things for the next client, oops). Currently I charge every client the same, $200/hr, but the cash/equity split changes.

To note, I do web/app design and frontend development for up-and-coming startups. I don't think I can charge for my digital painting... yet!

Also to note, none of this has gone to court or anything, so consult your lawyer neighbor first (and pay 'em)!

My email is though I'm sure Dibble is much better equipped to answer your questions if you want to ask anything. Or... talk to me in person!

In-Class Ashley-Kate

Lincoln Cluff In-Class Assignment #4

Connor Mathewson–In Class Assignment: Vector Abstractions

Lauren Larsen In Class Assignment Vector Animals

Amelia Hillebrant Vector Abstraction

Steve Martin In Class Abstraction

Rebekah Concidine - Stylistic Simplification

Dasol Jeong: In Class Assignment 4

Normandy Poulter

Whtiney Oar - In Class Assignment

Sean Oh_Inclass assignment

Daniela Vicente, In-class assignment #4

Adan Yazzie, Animal In-Class Assignment